Discontinued DB

The following replacement chart of models series have been updated and replaced with new versions. Refer to the current model page for most up-to-date models.

You may use the links to the discontinued models’ product page to reference information such as operating instructions, previous model ranges and specification. Tohnichi continues to support previous models with repair and calibration. Contact our service department for assistance.

AA     A3/A4A3 Semi-Automatic Airtork
ACAC     AC3AC3 High Power Semi-Automatic Airtork
CSPDCSPD     CSPLD / CSPLDCCSPLD / CSPLDC Wired Data Transfer Torque Wrench
CTA-PCTA-P CTACTA   CTA2CTA2 Digital Torque and Angle Wrench
CTBTohnichi CTB     CTB2-GCTB2-G Digital Torque Wrench for ReTightening
CEM2CEM2 CEM3CEM3   CEM3-GCEM3-G Data Tork, Torque Wrench for Tightening & Inspection
DB Dial Indicating Torque Wrench

DOT (-MD) Analog Torque Wrench Tester

DOT(E)-MDDOT(E)-MD       Motor Drive Torque Wrench Tester
DOTE2DOTE2 DOTE3DOTE3 DOTE3-GDOTE3-G DOTE4-G (-MD)DOTE3-G Digital Torque Wrench Tester
FM96MCFM96MC FH256MCFH256MC FH256MCFH256MC   Remote Signal Type Torque Wrench
LCLC LC2LC2   LC3-GLC3-G Line Checker
Pipe Wrench Head
QL4QL / QLE     QL / QLEQL / QLE Ratchet Head Type Adjustable Torque Wrench
RTDRTD     RTDRTD Rotary Slip Adjustable Torque Screwdriver
SB-FH256SB-FH256     SB-FH2SB-FH2 Setting Box
STST ST2ST2   ST3-G(BT)ST3-G-BT Spin Tork
Rotary Type Torque Sensor
TDTTDT TDT2TDT2   TDT3-GTDT3-G Digital Torque Driver Tester
TM Torque Meter

TMETME TME2TME2   TME3-GTME2 Digital Torque Meter
HATHAT       Handy Tork, Battery Operated Torque Screwdriver
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